Municipal Urban Plan of Bergondo

Work in progress

The reference framework for guiding the new model in which the new planning is developed is based on the following guidelines:

1. The empowerment of free spaces and the undeveloped soil of the environment. 81.70% of the land in the municipality is non-urbanizable. Castellar is a municipality with many free spaces, which has been used as a connecting and transitional element between urban and non-urbanizable soil, as well as serving as a base of sponge and open city of high environmental quality and directly related to the natural environment.
2. The commitment to internal growth and urban redevelopment is to make more people within the village. Do not increase the boundaries of the urban land by maintaining the current orography of the non-urbanizable land, by opting for a compact and non-diffuse city. Given the characteristics of Castellar del Vallès with regard to the limits of urban land and with regard to the soils that remain free of it, the new city project must evaluate the current state and the potential of existing urban, residential and industrial fabrics, not only from a quantitative or growth capacity perspective but also from the possibility of identifying areas of redevelopment or transformation that become key elements in the process of urban restructuring.
3. Maintenance and improvement of the quantity and quality of the offering of equipment and free spaces in the municipality. To maintain a healthy and high-quality urban environment directly related to the natural environment. Keep the reserve of the available supply of free land for equipment.
4. The integration of the heritage into the city project. The architectural heritage of the city is one of the referents defining the most characteristic features of the municipality. The preservation and conservation of the city's heritage must take on a unique role in the organization that emanates from the new general planning. This brings special attention to the revision of the building catalog, the elements
patrimonials and urban and rural ensembles of historical, artistic and environmental character of the city of Castellar del Vallès.
5. The diversification of residential supply and economic activities, with special attention to protected housing, prioritizing rent, and the jobs currently existing in the municipality. The high presence of productive fabric must be the basis of a project that enhances the economic capacities of the territory, diversifying activities and improving its competitiveness.

Promoter: Bergondo City Council / Drafting team: JORNETLLOPPASTOR /  Collaborators: Gabriel Jubete, arquitecto urbanista, María Ríos Carballeira, arquitecta urbanista, Àngels Gil-Vernet, abogado, Ignasi Grau , ingeniero agrónomo, Alejandro Fernández, arquitecto, DELOGA, sociólogos, Luís Cordeiro, arqueólogo