Promoter: Barcelona City Council / Drafting team: JORNETLLOPPASTOR / Location: Barcelona
Promoter: Barcelona City Council / Drafting team: JORNETLLOPPASTOR / Location: Barcelona
Promoter: As Pontes García Rodríguez City Council / Drafting team: JORNETLLOPPASTOR / Collaborators: -
Promoter: Generalitat de Catalunya, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Oliana and Peramola City Councils, Confederació Hidrològica del Ebre (CHE) / Drafting team: JORNETLLOPPASTOR / Collaborators: Manel Colominas, agricultural scientist / Park length: 35km / Dam surface: 75 ha.
Promoter: Barcelona City Council / Drafting team: JORNETLLOPPASTOR / Collaborators: CRPPBarcelona, planimetric drawing study; LMVC-UPC; Josep Maria Mallarach, geologist; Jordi Bernadó, photographer / Surface of the nature reserve: 32.2 ha.
Promoter: Lleida City Council / Drafting team: JORNETLLOPPASTOR / Collaborators: -
Promoter: Competition / Drafting team: JORNETLLOPPASTOR / Collaborators: -
Promoter: Montmeló, Granollers and Parets del Vallès City Councils / Drafting team: JORNETLLOPPASTOR / Collaborators: Àngels Gil Vernet, lawyer; Josep Lascurain Golferichs, biologist / Surface: 105,70 Ha.
Promoter: Bologna City Council / Drafting team: JORNETLLOPPASTOR / Collaborators: -
Promoter: Alt Àneu, Espot, Estèrri and La Guingueta d'Àneu City Councils / Drafting team: JORNETLLOPPASTOR / Collaborators: -
Promoter: Alt Àneu, Espot, Estèrri and La Guingueta d'Àneu City Councils / Drafting team: JORNETLLOPPASTOR / Collaborators: -