Urban Master Plan Vies Blaves Barcelona


The general objective of the Vies Blaves Barcelona Urban Master Plan (PDU VBB) is to create the appropriate urban and territorial framework that allows the potential of the territory to be exploited on the banks of the Llobregat, Anoia and Cardener rivers, with the opening of a path that follows and travel through the territory of these rivers, boosting their tourist dynamism and, at the same time, establishing the conditions that should frame their development with the maximum integration and coherence with the environmental and landscape values ​​of the territory.
The objectives derived from the definition of the general objective described above are the following:
- Provide institutional management with a priority tool for promoting tourism, making this purpose compatible with the interests and needs of the different municipalities and counties that are part of the PDU.
- Achieve maximum integration and coherence with the environmental and landscape values ​​of river environments through a specialized and georeferenced itinerary.
- Provide the riverside populations with quality leisure infrastructures.
- Value historic paths, heritage and landscape elements and make unknown or neglected natural spaces accessible, all of them substantive components of the river landscapes of the Llobregat River Basin, exemplary of the country's geography.
The PDU covers 7 counties, 59 municipalities, 3 rivers and is 306 km long.


Promoter: Departament de territori i sostenibilitat / Drafting team: JORNETLLOPPASTOR / Collaborators: Estudi Xavier Mayor Et Al Sl / Arda Gestió I Estudis Ambientals Sll / Thigis Serveis Ambientals Sl / Barcelona Disseny Urbanístic (Bdu) / Intelligent Mobility / Promo Assessors Consultors Sap / Javier Solís Delfín / Pla Estel / Monodestudio / Anna Zahonero Xifré / Vilanova+Moya Arquitectes / Montserrat Mercadé Marimón